Friday, March 7, 2008

Romans 8:28

Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
I was reading a friends blog today and this verse really hit me. You know the times when you are just toodling along and BAM the tears begin to flow because the Lord is speaking to you through his word. I need to claim this verse this week as I am worrying about my little Luke! As many of you know when Luke was 9 months old we made a switch to a different pediatrician who we love! When measuring his head he noticed that from his 6 to 9 month check his head size grew considerably. To make a long story short Luke had a CT scan and we went to Portland to see a doctor at OHSU. The doctor there said he just had a big head. Well, we are dealing with the head thing again. At his 18 month check his head has grown again quite a bit from his 15 month check so the doctor is going to send the information to Portland again. Deep down inside I am sure that there is nothing wrong with Luke but as you mom's know it does not take much for us to worry about our babies! I need to take every thought captive and I know that the Lord is teaching me to trust him through all this. I will post again when we find out anything but in the meantime I will keep praying that the Lord will take care of Luke. Hope you all have a great weekend!


Christy. said...

I'll be praying for my little nephew too! I tried to call you today to see if you had heard anything new....

Tawny said...

Hey Sarah,
I am new to this blogging stuff and feel like I am invading your privacy but I want to tell you that I am praying for you guys and I am quite sure God has wonderful plans for Luke and all of you, even though it is hard. I wish life didn't have to hurt so much sometimes!

Anonymous said...

We are praying with you, Sarah! Hugs to you, my friend!

Tam said...


Don't forget to email me ;-)

Brandy said...

Sorry to hear that this has come up again! I know how easily it is to worry when something "abnormal" comes back from the Dr, even if it is just a precaution!

Dr. Conway is awesome! You are in good hands! Dr.Conways and HIS. ;-)

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I will be praying!

Unknown said...

Hang in there, my friend - love and prayers to you!