Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Our Weekend

Well, our weekend did not turn out as it was supposed to. I mentioned on Friday that we were headed up to Rocky Point to spend a couple of days. Michael's dad and step-mom have a house there and they were going to be out of town so we thought it would be fun to go up as a family and have some relax time. Of course I raced around on Thursday and Friday packing everything we would need clothes, food, snow stuff, etc. We headed out about 11 on Friday morning. It was such a beautiful sunny day and the drive up 140 was just great. There was a ton of snow on the sides of the road but the actual road was clear of any ice or snow. As we approached the road where the house is Michael's dad had told us to get a running start so that we could make it up the road. It was very hard to do that because of the snow banks on either side of the car but Michael did his best, and there we sat! Yes, we got stuck! The road was so icy and the snow was so high on the sides of us that we could not get any traction and if we did move we just would slide into a snow bank and get stuck. We did this for over and hour and let's just say Luke was not so happy with the noise coming from the tires spinning. He screamed in the car pretty much the whole time. Logan on the other hand did just great and had a little running commentary of what he thought we should do. "Maybe we should call a tow truck" he said. Thanks to a neighbor who hooked us up to his ATV we were free, but we did not dare try and head up the road again so we just had to turn around and head back home. We were so bummed because we were so looking forward to hanging out at the cabin in the snow. We did end up having a great weekend of just getting little projects done around the house, playing outside with the boys and on Sunday we took the boys to the fish hatchery and they had a great time. Hope you all have a great week!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! The whole weekend I was picturing you guys up there enjoying family time. I'm glad it turned out ok! Miss you!

Brandy said...

OMGosh! How frustrating and disappointing to get THAT far and SO close and not be able to stay! :( I am glad that you had a great weekend anyway! The fish hatchery sounds like fun. The boys would LOVE that! :D

Brandy said...

Hey! Sorry the cold made it's way to you guys!! :( That stinks. Yeah, I am staying away from stuff for a while too. We just can't risk them getting sick again before we leave. :(

We should set something up soon. Hopefully all the kiddos get better quick so we can get together. :D I'd hate to move without a visit with you! :(

Love ya!

Tam said...

That's tragic! Really, I'm serious! I've been wanting to go out of town for a little vacation since we got back from Chicago last June. So when I was reading this post I was dreaming it was us...then you turned around for home and my eyes leaked a little. Bummer!