Saturday, May 10, 2008


Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful Mom's out there! What a joy and amazing gift to be a Mother to my great boys. When I was thinking about what to write and looking through pictures I could not help but get a little teary. Mother's Day is both special and hard for me at the same time. I am so blessed that I am a Mom and love that the Lord has called me to this job and I would not trade it for the world. As we all know this job of motherhood can be challenging at times but so rewarding also. The love that our little one's have for us is amazing. Just yesterday Logan and I went out just the two of us to do a little shopping. We walked hand in hand into the store. In his sweet little voice he said "I love you Mommy! Happy Mother's Day." Oh my goodness he just melted my heart and I tried not to break down right in front of Fred Meyer. Then there's Luke. He barely stops long enough for any sort of mooshy stuff but loves to give me big, big hugs so tight right around my neck, with his little "momma!" Gotta love those hugs. So, thank you Lord for allowing me to be a Mother able to celebrate with others. The hard part for me is that I do not have my Mom to celebrate with. I was reading an article today titled "Mother's Day without a Mom." It was a good article just talking about that it is OK that you are a little sad on Mother's Day and to acknowledge you are sad and that you miss her. My first Mother's Day with Logan was also the first Mother's Day without my Mom and I struggle every year because I don't want to come across that I don't love that I am a mother but reading this article made me feel better in the fact that it is ok that I have a little sadness on Mother's Day. I so wish that she was here for me to love on and for her to see that so much of what I do today with my boys comes from her great example of what a mother is. My mom loved the Lord and shared her love for Him with others and was blessed to speak at many Women's Retereats for many different churches. My Dad recently gave me the box of all her notes from things that she has spoken on over the years. It has been so fun to look through because even though I do not have her here to talk to about Motherhood I found a file with notes about just that. Let me leave you with a few thoughts of her's and I pray that you all are blessed on your special day!
"There are few things I care about as much as I care about being a Mother to my girls....not just caring about them.....but carefully mothering them."
"The reality is---the role of the Mother is still one of great impact and influence. The need for her to fulfill her role is greater than ever before. You can make an incredible difference in the life of you children and in so doing impact your world."
Some special pictures: 1st- Luke and Mommy
2nd-Logan and Mommy
3rd- Last picture taken with my Mom


Christy. said...

I would love to see the article you read.
I am so glad that you had a good Mother's Day and that we both had the easiest time so far on this day. While I missed mom I enjoyed my role as mom more this year than ever! :0)

Jennifer...aka: Jen or "MOMMM!" said...

Thank you for sharing your mom's notes with us! I love to hear stories about her - she sounds like she was an AMAZING, God loving woman & terrific mom...
much like someone else I know. :)

Anonymous said...

Crying here over the stuff about your mom. I love the quotes from her too. I'll be saving them for sure!

Unknown said...

I am inspired by your strength girlfriend!

Sandy said...

Sarah, since we have the same cousin having triplets! (Yay, Ang!) I was able to visit your blog.
Wonderful post on your sweet Mama. You and I have shared these thoughts before, and our loss.
Bless you! Fun to visit you!
Love Sandy