Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We went camping last weekend and had a wonderful time. We went to Union Creek and it was our first time camping with the boys. Michael and I have done some camping before we had the boys so we were really looking forward to taking them. It was an amazing time and they had a blast! We arrived Thursday afternoon and setting up camp went well. Michael and I even got along as we put our tent together for the first time! We have always just had a small tent for the two of us but we got a new one and it fit us all just great. We had an easy dinner that night and after some playing decided to start the boys to bed. The first night sleeping did not go so well. Logan was so excited he could not sleep and I think Luke was a little scared. Logan did say "Mom, did you remember to bring my night light?" I think that Luke was wishing we brought his night light. Logan finally fell asleep around 9:30 and I finally got Luke to fall asleep with us about 10 but then he was up at 1:00 and pretty much up all night off and on. We were up early but the kids were excited to start the day and it was a little chilly so we built a fire and made pancakes and bacon. We hung around camp enjoying a few bike rides and exploring. After lunch Luke and Mommy had a 2 hour nap while Logan and Daddy went fishing. Logan was so excited because he caught 4 fish all on his own! After nap we went to Diamond Lake for some swimming and then headed back to camp for hot dogs and burgers. We had fun roasting marshmallows for smores and then it was off to bed. Everyone slept great the second night, I think they were so tired! It was so cold again on Saturday so we all bundled up and headed to a restaurant for breakfast. We went for another long bike ride and then it was time to pack up. Logan was sad to leave and asked when we could go camping again. We had such a great time as a family just hanging out together. Camping is a lot of work but it is a different kind of work then when you are at home. I so enjoyed just watching my boys and spending time with them. I miss things I think at home because I am so busy with life that I don't take the time to just watch them or do things with them. Even though we are home I am going to try and be better about spending the time with them, "camping" with them! Hope you are all enjoying your summer.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are so cute, Sarah. Looks like good memories were made!

Sandy said...

Hello dear Sarah, just popping in to say hi. Looks like a great time camping. I remember how much work it was to get out the door, but it was so worth it. Great memories. Sandy