Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It is so good to be home from our Portland trip but we did have a good time. After Luke's doctor appointment on Wednesday we all felt such relief and were ready to relax and spend some time with my family. We have not been up since Thanksgiving and so it was good to see my sister's, cousin's, dad, and grandparents. I have twin sisters and one has 2 boys and the other has 2 girls and one boy. We went to one nephew's soccer game on Tuesday evening and then dinner at my sister's which was a good time. Wednesday after the doctor was spent at my other sister's. Her little boy is 6 weeks older than Luke and they were so fun to watch play together. The girls took great care of there cousin Logan because they are the little mother's you know. It is always fun to shop in Portland and after visiting with my grandparents on Thursday the boys were given a little money so we headed to Washington Square and they spent there money at the LEGO store. Michael and I got the kids to bed on Thursday evening and my Dad was so sweet to let us go out. We had a good time together but we were both so tired we did not have much to say to each other just ate some dessert and headed for bed! We were supposed to head home on Friday but decided to just stay one more day and spend a little more time with family. We headed home on Saturday morning and drove in rain, hail, sun, snow, you name it we went through it! We made it home tired and ready to sleep in our own beds. This week I am so thankful that all Luke's stuff is behind us and thanking the Lord that he brought us through every step. When you sit in the waiting room at OHSU you realize how truly blessed you are when sitting right next to you is a sweet little 10 month old girl having a seizure because she has little tumors in her head and she has as many as 60 seizure's a day! So, I say thank you Lord for our healthy child. We are back in the swing of things at home just getting things back to normal. Logan had tubes put in his ears when he was 1 but they have not fallen out on there own so on Friday morning we will be heading to the surgery center and he will be having them taken out. So far he has been a trooper at the doctor's with hearing tests and such. We are praying that all goes well on Friday also. God bless you all and hope that you have a blessed week.
Pictures: Papa was a hit when he made Mickey Mouse pancakes with strawberries and whip cream. You have to get a Krispy Kreme donut when you go to Portland.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you got to do some fun things, too, during an otherwise stressful trip north. Krispy Kreme? The best!

Christy. said...

Cute pictures!
I am so sorry I haven't sent you those pictures of the boys yet, they are still on my camera. I will download them tomorrow and send them out.